1. You could say I started blogging to inform the world that the CAMEL'S had a KING
or to share the delights of my LIFE.
But the truth is that David gave me a computer ! CHEER'S DAVE !
2.Columbia (not that one I would never come back alive) Recording studios N.Y.
to have THE WATERCATS recorded & produced by Daniel Lanois.
3. Primary school :- Miss Mergatroid (first romantic twitches)
Secondary school :- Mr Woolhead (whistling Jack)(gave me the portfolio prize for technical
drawing ,without a bribe)
4. GEORGE W BUSH (to ask him to apologize)
5. Over.
6.Debbi Thomas !
7.Bandit (dead but still with me) Rosie smaller version of Bandit (alive)
8. I don't live in a town but my nearest town is full of middle class wonabees, drunkydrugedscum & a castle.